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Contouring 101

Welcome to Contouring 101. Here are some quick basics on how to contour your face in no time! Flawless, radiant, glowing face- here we come!


Step 1: Start with a clean face.​ (Check out my 3 Step Basic Beauty Routine below)


Step 2: Apply a foundation or BB/CC cream of your choice. I used Maybline's  Dream Pure BB Cream for acne-prone skin. Sometimes I feel like foundation is too heavy on my face, so I like to use a lightweight BB cream that still covers blemishes, evens, and tones your skin. It pretty much does all the work for you.


Step 3: Using a concealer (I use NYX Above & Beyond Full Coverage Concealer) a shade or 2 lighter than your skin tone, apply it in the shape of triangles to the following areas:

  • Under each eye

  • In the space between the middle of your chin and your lower lip

  • Your jaw line on either side

  • Between your eyebrows and to the middle of your forehead

  • The front of of your nose

  • Either eyelid (no triangle here, but it works GREAT as a primer for eye shadow)

  • Outlining each brow (don't make a triangle for this part)


Step 4: Apply a darker-colored powder, bronzer, or foundation to the spaces not filled with concealer. I used a loose mineral powdered foundation from Avon and applied it with an angled brush. 


Step 5: Ok, your face should be looking pretty crazy right now, but that means you're on the right track! Now it's time to blend. Makeup sponges or wedges  work great for this. Lightly blend the borders where the conealer meets the darker shade. Don't blend too too much to the point where you lose your contour. Try looking at your makeup in different lights (natural light vs fluorescent) to make sure everything is blended. You don't want any surprises once you leave your house.


Step 6: Apply illuminator, bronzer, or blush to your cheek bones.


Step 7: Set with a translucent powder. I use NYX HD Setting Powder. A little bit goes a long way here folks. 


Step 8: Fill in your brows and add eye makeup if your heart so desires.


Step 9: Smile :)


Step 10: FLAUNT IT 'cause you're looking gorgeous, Beautiful!


-Stay true, Beautiful



Basic Beauty Routine: Part 3- Moisturize


Moisturize - replenish & restore your skin

The icing on the cake. Adding a daily facial moisturizer to your routine is what really boosts your complexion. This step is SO SO SO important! They replenish and maintain the moisture and water balance in your face. Some people use body lotion as their facial moisturizer but I highly recommend finding a FACE moisturizer instead. The balances in the body lotion are a tad different.

Dry skin: cream-based moisturizers are your friend.

Oily skin: if available, go for water-based or gel moisturizers. They add less shine to your face.

My favorites: 

Yes to Tomatoes Clear Skin moisturizer; this stuff is wonderful. It truly clears up your skin using lycopene (found in tomatoes), helps prevent breakouts, gets rid of blemishes you never knew you had, AND is 98% all natural.

BB creams. I swear by these things. My complexion has improved so much since I began using them. I'll give ya'll the full skinny on them(does that just make it a fatty) in another blog but basically they equal face magic. Instant smooth complexion with sun-protection. Besides BB creams(I use Maybelline), Aveeno Positively Radiant Moisturizer is great. Skin so smooth. Extra Virgin coconut oil is also a helpful moisturizer if you have dry skin and serves as a fantastic nighttime moisturizer for dry to combination oily skin; it has some antiobiotic effects and will aid in clearing up breakouts. Don't forget to moisturize before bed!


Whichever moisturizer you choose, make sure you get one with SPF in it. You need to use an SPF of at least 15 on your face every day. Even in winter. Even if you're black. 


-Stay true, Beautiful

Basic Beauty Routine: Part 2- Tone

Tone- Deep clean your pores.

I always wondered why people skipped this stage. This step saves my face each and every time. The job of a toner is to basically go behind and clean up whatever your face wash left behind. It reaches deep into your pores to grab every last bit of dirt.

Dry skin: Go for the all-natural route to avoid peeling and excess dryness. A bottle of witchazel is perfect for getting the job done without over-drying. Simple brand toner is also great and is targeted for sensitive skin.

Oily skin: Witchazel and Simple toner will work great for you too! If you want something with a little more umph, try Sea Breeze. It's wonderful.

Acne-prone/kinda acne-prone: This is my zone. I don't have full-on breakouts constantly like in high school, but I have a tendency to catch a pimple or two…or three. My absolute favorite toner I've used that keeps my skin SO CLEAR is Sea Breeze Original. You can feel it cleaning your face. It's super affordable(around $3) and gets the job done very well. Aside from Sea Breeze, Clinique toners are fantastic. Their acne toner really works and so does the toner in their 3-step skin care. If you feel like cashing out $15 a bottle for some Clinique toner, splurge away(it really is good), but if not, get Sea Breeze. They also have a sensitive formula. 


-Stay true, Beautiful

Basic Beauty Routine: Part 1- Cleanse

Alright ladies. Today's blog  is all about that beautiful face. The key to having a radiant complexion comes down to 3  1/2 basic steps:

  • 1. Cleanse

  • 1 1/2. Exfoliate

  • 2. Moisturize

  • 3. Exfoliate


Once upon a time when I was a pimple-ridden lass with a forehead worthy of a round of connect the dots, I stumbled upon the best facial advice ever. "Clear skin starts with clear pores."-Neutrogena(circa 2003). So simple yet so profound. A decade later, and I still live by these words. The foundation of radiant and smooth skin are clear pores, so I'm taking you all on a journey through my basic, daily facial routine in a 3-part series.


Cleanse- Wash your face.

Dry skin: use facial washes with a cream base.

Oily skin: go for foaming face washes.

I have combo oily skin(oily around my nose but normal everywhere else) so I typically use a foaming face wash. My ALL-TIME FAVORITE face wash is Aveeno Clear Complexion Daily Cleansing Pads. Ladies… These things are MAGIC! They literally erase all the dirt off your face. You won't believe the junk that comes off your face. They have dual sides, soft and exfoliating. I scrub with the exfoliant side first then go for round two with the soft side. By the way, these aren't makeup removal pads. You need water to sud them up! Also, all-natural face washes are fantastic and are great for either oily or dry skin.


Exfoliate- Polish your skin.

In addition to basic face-washing, use an exfoliating scrub or mask 2-3 times a week. A little trick I do is taking my basic apricot face scrub (True Blue Spa Apricot and White Tea Exfoliating Scrub) and adding some baking soda on top of it once it's applied to my face. I just use a little bit of baking soda around my face and rub it in to make a paste. Let it sit for a couple of minutes, rinse it off, and voila! Baby smooth and radiant skin.


Stay true, Beautiful-


Remember That You Are Always Enough #beautywithnofilter


It's fun to experiment with your look. We all try different things with our hair, with our makeup, with the clothes we wear. But when it comes down to it, we have to remember that these are not the things that define our worth. Fashion and makeup are often used as a means to express ourselves and clue the general public in on what they should expect from us, but this is by no means the final say in what makes you, you. There will never be a lip gloss that speaks your mind or your life perspectives. Your nail polish will not point you towards your path to happiness, And your hairstyle does not determine your growth as a human being. The beauty of it all is within. Ladies, speak your mind with confidence whether you have a powersuit or your favorite sweatpants on. Walk into rooms knowing you're divine whether you've got a full face of makeup or just your natural glow. You are the foundation. You are the true beauty. Everything else, is just extra. 


With that said, Gabbi and I will spend some time talking about some of our favorite beauty products, fashion trends, and opinions on all things beautiful here, but always keep that preface in mind. Queen, do what makes you happy and healthy.


Love all,


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